a)提交多次资料不满 安抚用户情绪,确认用户反映落地实名进度过程中变更次数,原因等因素。
A) submit the data for many times to appease the user's mood, and confirm the number of changes and reasons in the process of real name progress reflected by the user.
b)审核结果不满 确认不满问题,是因电子档还是原件审核结果不满。对平台显示不符合点进行二次确认,如无误差,如实答复。如存在误差,及时与风控审核人员沟通并通知用户。
B) if the audit result is not satisfactory, whether the electronic file or the original audit result is not satisfactory. Confirm the unconformity points displayed on the platform twice, and reply truthfully if there is no error. In case of any error, timely communicate with the risk control auditor and notify the user.
c)找不到合作伙伴提资料 通过平台确认用户反映号码所属合作伙伴状态,在合作中的
C) no partner can be found, provide information, confirm the user's response to the partner status of the number through the platform, and in the cooperation
d)号码关停要求复通 拨打测试号码提示音;根据提示音判断关停原因,是运营商拆机还是关停,还是我司暂停;确认号码落地是否可复通,可则答复复通流程,否则提供方案,如换号。
D) call the prompt tone of the test number when the number is shut down; judge the reason of shut down according to the prompt tone, whether the operator breaks down or shuts down or our company stops; confirm whether the number landing can be re connected, reply to the re connection process, otherwise provide a scheme, such as changing the number.