65 、化整为零网站推广法。在各大商务网站上,建立网站的副版本。借用其他网站的平台,推广自己的东西。
65. Website promotion method of breaking into parts. Set up a sub version of the website on each major business website. Use the platform of other websites to promote your own things.
66 、预告网站推广法,也叫系列法。不要将宝贵的内容一次性全部提供,每天提供一点点,连续几个星期、几个月,让网民不断重复地访问网站。类似电视台播放电视剧和报纸的小说连载等等模式。比如赤壁,拦腰劈成两半,就能卖两倍价钱,赚双倍票房。搞网站也要学会这种留一手的做法。
66. Advance website promotion method, also known as series method. Don't provide all valuable content at one time. Provide a little bit every day for weeks and months in a row, so that netizens can visit the website repeatedly. It is similar to the mode that TV stations broadcast novels serials of TV plays and newspapers. For example, if red cliff is split in half, it can sell twice the price and earn twice the box office. Do website also want to learn this kind of practice.
67、 创建品牌网站推广法。其实品牌建设并不难,非常简单。网上信息浩如烟海,陈旧信息充斥在各个网站,价值极其微小。站长们可以持续搜集某个主题信息,根据最新条件和情况,不断对原先的旧内容维护、补充和更新,按照日期顺序有规律地发布到其他网站,提高网站影响力。当人们需要该方面信息的时候,唯一的去处就是此类信息发源地了,建立品牌就是这么容易。有了品牌知名度,网站自然而然有了流量,顺便也能带活整个网站。例如中关村在线的电脑配件报价,百度的搜索排行榜,雪缘园足球即时比分。
67. Establish brand website promotion method. In fact, brand building is not difficult, very simple. Internet information is vast, old information is full of various websites, the value is extremely small. Webmasters can continuously collect information about a certain topic, maintain, supplement and update the original old content according to the latest conditions and conditions, and regularly publish it to other websites according to the date order to improve the influence of the website. When people need this kind of information, the only place to go is the birthplace of this kind of information. It's so easy to build a brand. With brand awareness, the website naturally has traffic, and the whole website can be brought alive by the way. For example, Zhongguancun Online Computer accessories quotation, Baidu's search leaderboard, xueyuanyuan football instant score.